Our collaboration with NooS

Our collaboration with NooS

Empowering Sustainable Transform-ation with NooS

We are very proud to (officially) announce our collaboration with NooS to accelerate the sustainable transformation of companies and businesses at every level of their organization.

Simply because we believe that empowerment of people is a key catalyst of change.
NooS is a solution that allows companies to engage their employees in their CSR approach. With an intuitive platform and a personalized roadmap, companies can regularly mobilize their employees through rich and varied actions around strategic topics in their sustainable transformation: awareness challenges, solidarity actions, skills sponsorship, teambuilding, etc.

Our collaboration specifically lies in the creation of the expert playbooks that NooS provides to the key decision makers in their clients’ organization, as a complement to the employee mobilization part of the platform. We Don’t Need Roads provides the expertise and guidance on co-writing these playbooks, only available in the platform. Some of the shared knowledge and tips are showcased during dedicated webinars.

We started with Biodiversity, with a webinar back in June 18th, with the participation of our director Nicolas Bouché and a live playbook in the platform by then.

Do not hesitate to reach out if you want to know more about it.
More to come on some other key topics of the sustainable transformation of businesses, with an upcoming new playbook and webinar in September!

Stay tuned.