Prepare your Healthtech business for the new environmental challenges
As part of our role in the new France Biotech task force dedicated to the #CSR transition and transformation of the health industry, our co-founder Guillaume Richard de Vesvrotte led a webinar to take a step back on where we are at today when it comes to the sustainable transformation challenge for companies.
He went over a clear update on:
– new climate risks (or should we say newly covered): with #carbon reaching a certain level of maturity within companies, risk such as #biodiversity and water are becoming more and more urgent to take into consideration
– new regulations: paving the way forward for companies in a accelerating manner, with a focus on #CSRD and #CSDDD
– new business challenges: as ultimately this is a matter of business survival, in a world where investors, clients, consumers and overall all key stakeholders of companies will take into consideration the advancement on the ecological transformation of businesses
Guillaume went also over some of our methodologies and tools to support companies in their transition.
Do not hesitate to watch the replay of the webinar here: